Texas Opiate Crisis

The increasingly prevalent use of opioids has triggered one of the most serious drug crises in the country’s history. In almost every state, fatal overdoses are being reported on an almost daily basis. Here’s what you need to know about the crisis in Texas. The Use of Opioids appears to be Most Prevalent in East […]

The connection between drug use, video games, deadly weapons and school shootings.

In the wake of school shootings by teenagers, everyone is running back and forth trying to find a possible cause to these monstrosities. Why would a ‘normal’ kid suddenly go berserk and try to end the lives of their teachers and peers? While each case is different due to the various variables that could have […]

Your Kid’s Brain on Video Games

Over the last ten years, video games have steadily etched their way into one of the most preferred form of entertainment throughout the world as a result of the steady decrease in TV viewing habits. This is because video games are no longer limited to arcades or homes. Portable systems and mobile devices have made […]

Navigating Safely into the New Year while in Recovery

While recovering from any addiction, it’s important to avoid anything that can trigger a relapse. This is especially difficult during the Christmas season because the holiday tends to be longer than the others. Also, there are more celebrations, family and friends reunions scheduled for this time of the year than at any other time of […]


Experiential Mondays at Omega recovery include activities like hiking, paddle boarding, rock climbing, horseback riding, and tons of other outdoor adventures. Nature has unique and healing qualities that people have benefited from since the beginning of time. Balance is key to recovery and a healthy life.  Adventure therapy in nature helps our mind, body and […]

Gaming disorder is an addiction

May Khaled Okaz newspaper The World Health Organization recently classified “gaming disorder” as addictive behavior. Indeed, the dangerous addiction to games on the Internet is similar to the addiction to alcohol and drugs. This is a serious matter because there are adults and children who are addicted to these computer and video games on a […]

Video Gaming Addiction

What is Video Gaming Disorder? Video games are more popular than ever. Though millions of people enjoy the hobby with no adverse effects, there are others who aren’t so lucky. These are the people who suffer from video gaming disorder – an addictive disorder that can turn games from a fun diversion to a dangerous […]

Dogs Help with Recovery

Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is a big step towards reclaiming your life. However, given that addiction is a highly individualized disease, treatment may take several forms depending on your case. During the recovery process, support systems are vital in helping the addict not to relapse into the addiction. One of the popular support […]

Tech Addition

What is Technology Addiction?The modern world is always online. While many have adapted to this quite well, there are others who have been deeply damaged by having too much access to technology. Technology addiction is a type of addiction that has only been recently recognized, but it has certainly reached epidemic proportions among some groups.  […]

The Dual-Diagnosis Challenge

Dual diagnosis is a condition where a person is diagnosed with both substance addiction and a serious mental health problem such as an anxiety disorder, depression, or a bipolar disorder. It also goes by the names co-morbid disorders, co-occurring disorders, and co-existing disorders. They all refer to the same issue. When an individual has a […]

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