Category Archives: Screen Addiction Symptoms

Screen Addiction Disorder Affects More People Than You May Think

Screen Addiction Disorder affects more people than you may think

“Unfortunately, it seems that we, as a society, have entered into a Faustian deal. Yes, we have these amazing handheld marvels of the digital age, tablets and smartphones, miraculous glowing devices that connect people throughout the globe and can literally access the sum of all human knowledge in the palm of our hand. But what […]

How a Netflix Addiction Can be Harmful to Your Health

It’s easy to get absorbed in a good TV show on Netflix. But what happens when your “binge-watching” starts to negatively impact your health? Here’s a look at how a Netflix addiction can be harmful to your health and how Omega Recovery can help. The Harmful Effects of Netflix Addiction on Your Health Netflix has […]

Reducing Screen Addiciton and Finding Help in Austin

Methods for reducing screen addiction

Screen addiction is a real and growing problem. In our fast-paced, technologically-driven world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the constant flow of information and stimulation that comes from screens. Whether it’s our phones, laptops, TVs or any other type of device with a screen, we’re constantly bombarded with input. What Is […]

Screen Addiction Symptoms: Fighting the Glow of Addictive Screens

Screen Addiction Symptoms

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, an expert in technology addictions and screen addiction symptoms, makes the argument  that technology has had a significant negative impact on our brains. Recent brain imaging research shows that glowing screens are as dopaminergic (dopamine activating) to the brain’s pleasure center as sex. Furthermore, a growing body of clinical evidence links screen […]

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