Category Archives: mental health

Dogs Help with Recovery

Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is a big step towards reclaiming your life. However, given that addiction is a highly individualized disease, treatment may take several forms depending on your case. During the recovery process, support systems are vital in helping the addict not to relapse into the addiction. One of the popular support […]

The Dual-Diagnosis Challenge

Dual diagnosis is a condition where a person is diagnosed with both substance addiction and a serious mental health problem such as an anxiety disorder, depression, or a bipolar disorder. It also goes by the names co-morbid disorders, co-occurring disorders, and co-existing disorders. They all refer to the same issue. When an individual has a […]

Omega Offering Primary & Dual Diagnosis Housing

Experiential Mondays at Omega Recovery

Experiential Mondays at Omega Recovery At Omega Recovery we deliver world class recovery & clinical treatment to our patients in our IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program). We provide the support needed during the first few months after rehab, the most vital time in the recovery process, re-integrating into society. One of our Intensive Outpatient groups below […]

Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and Depression are the two mental health disorders that are most often associated with addiction. Anxiety–the runaway “fight or flight” response–can lead to self-medicating to calm the nerves that then oftentimes leads to addictive substance or alcohol use. Similarly, feeling depressed also very often leads to the self-medicating escape of substance or alcohol abuse. Both […]

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