Tag Archives: phone addiction treatment

Phone Addiction Rehab in Austin Can Help You Disconnect And Break Free

Phone Addiction Rehab in Austin

There is no denying that phones, no matter what kind or intelligence, are a part of everyday life in the modern world. While phones can offer an incredible amount of convenience at a fairly affordable price, the mental cost can be substantial for some. Thanks to a lack of safety studies and years of mild […]

Screen-Free Zones: Incorporating Healthy Habits Into Screen Addiction Treatments

Screen Addiction Treatments

It’s almost impossible to think of what everyday life would look like without screens at this point in our society. From needing screens to provide us with entertainment to using screens in accomplishing our work- screens are just now a part of how we operate in today’s world. What started as a way to showcase […]

Taking Control of Your Technology Use: Treatment for Phone Addictions


Treatment for Phone Addictions: Taking Control of Your Technology Use The rise of smartphones in the past decade has revolutionized the way we live, communicate, and work. But while technology offers countless benefits, it has also created an unintended consequence—phone addiction. This widespread issue affects people of all ages, disrupting mental health, relationships, and productivity. […]

Addressing Mobile Phone Addiction Treatments: Technology And Mental Health

Mobile Phone Addiction Treatments

It would be hard for any person to argue that mobile phones are not quickly dominating our daily routines and ways of communication in today’s world. The latest statistics on smartphone use and dependence give us incredible insight into how we’ve made them an integral part of our daily life. However, at what cost are […]

We Need To Talk About Phone Addiction

phone addiction patient in need of help

Those of us born before 1983 remember a time when there were no phones except for our house phone and payphones that were near almost every gas station. That being said, the world of phones we live with today are quite a different reality. What started as a device that connects us to family and […]

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