Treatment for Digital Addiction is Crucial For Emotional and Psychological Health

Treatment for Digital Addiction

Before we jump into why treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health, let’s explore how this unfortunate phenomena started. Humans are social creatures that need social interaction and communication in some forms or another in order to thrive throughout life. Throughout our history, people have communicated in various ways, with sounds, gestures, and touch being the first. Which then evolved to words, stories, symbols and art on various forms of media such as rocks and paper. With the invention of technology, or computers to be exact, the ways in which people communicate today is endless. What started as beeps, then calls, then texts, then emails- can now include platform messages, tweets, reels, and face to face phone calls and meetings! But at what cost does this new-age kind of communication come with in comparison to our past? As with anything satisfying, technology has paved the way for digital addiction in various forms that we are now just understanding. 

Almost everyone has some sort of social media platform, or is at least knowledgeable that they exist. In fact, platforms have become their own virtual communities for each of us to share and connect as we choose. While some of these communities are beneficial and supportive, some can be quite the opposite for someone already struggling with day to day life at any age. Comments, retweets, and shares from social media platforms have been shown to mimic or even replace the same social benefits we receive from in person interaction. Therein rises a problem when it is used as a replacement for our interpersonal social connections. When someone uses social media as a means of coping with stress, their real life relationships can suffer from neglect, intensifying interpersonal issues even further. Hence the need of treatment for digital addiction, whether it is yourself or a loved one struggling.

What Is Digital Addiction Exactly?

There is still so much to learn when it comes to understanding the impact that our digital devices have on us individually and as a whole. How has humanity’s perspective, habits, and ways of communication changed since the introduction of digital devices? The answer is that we don’t know, and many more studies are needed as of 10 years ago at least. As we divulge into the dark side of technology: understanding digital addiction it becomes more clear we still have much to learn. Digital addiction refers to an impulse control disorder that involves the obsessive use of digital devices, digital technologies, and digital platforms. Such can include the use of; mobile devices, digital gadgets, the internet, video games, and social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok. Essentially, when a person becomes more concerned and involved in their online reality than their own ‘real life’ digital addiction is a major concern. In fact, experts say that more than 2 hours per day for children under 18 is considered to be problematic. There is no official designation for adults, since many adults work or learn online. Treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health as soon as a concern arises. Digital devices can become an appendage for some who are deeply addicted, and the sooner the better in severing such an unhealthy relationship. 

Whether it is yourself or someone you love, there are some things to watch out for when identifying digital addiction. As we said before, treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health as soon as possible. Therefore, utilizing research that has identified a few key traits and/or behaviors that signal there is an excessive use of digital technology is recommended. Emotional and psychological symptoms are the result of untreated digital addiction and examples could include:

  • Physical symptoms – headaches, body aches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Insomnia, vision problems, light sensitivity, and physical weight gain/loss. 
  • Emotional & Psychological symptoms – Depression, dishonesty, anxiety, social isolation, aggression, and mood swings. 

It is important to understand that addiction, no matter what kind, can have different effects for each individual and may not be easily spotted at first. Whether for yourself or someone you care about, finding the help and support needed for digital addiction is best as soon as possible. Omega Recovery is one of the leading centers for technology and digital addiction recovery. We know first hand the dark side that can come with technology and we walk our clients every step of the way back to healthy emotional and psychological health. 

Treatment for Digital Addiction

What Are Some Things Needed For Strong Emotional Health

Emotional health is a person’s ability to manage their feelings, thoughts, and emotions throughout life. Which is why treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health as soon as concern is present. People with strong emotional health are aware of their emotions and have strategies to deal with both everyday situations and traumatic experiences that they may encounter. While technology can also play a positive role in tools available for positive routines and support (think apps like Calm, Mindshift CBT, and Happify or online Yoga & Breathwork classes) it can also deter someone. Studies are underway in showing just how technology and blue screens are having an impact on the brain. Below are some examples of things a person can do to build strong emotional health, and how digital addiction can impact each. 

Self Care Routine – One of the best things a person can do daily that is crucial for emotional health is making their own self care routine. Making time for ourselves each day for positive actions such as going outside, reading a book, taking a dance break, mindfully dressing, or just simply doing something you enjoy. Practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, tai chi, and/or meditation first thing when starting your day has shown a positive influence on the rest of a person’s day. Digital addiction affects a health self care routine by being one the largest distractions. Waking up to a screen immediately can start a person’s day off to a negative start where messages, notifications, and scrolling keeps the attention away from the present moment. Unfortunately, social media platforms for example can interrupt one’s own self care routine by being bombarded by or compared to others.

Positive Mindset – A healthy mindset plays a crucial role in our own emotional and physical health. Doing things such as practicing gratitude, remembering good deeds, and forgiving yourself are great examples of positive thought actions. A person seeking treatment for digital addiction can also try setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based, and without the need for anything digital. For example, journaling is a great tool for creating and then maintaining a positive mindset without the need or use of anything digital. It requires a paper journal, or even just scratch paper joined together, and a writing utensil. Writing down 3 or 4 things you are grateful for, intentions for your day, and reflecting before bed highlights of your day can improve one’s mindset often very quickly. Treatment for digital addiction is crucial for keeping a positive mindset because today the digital world is having more of an impact on our mindset and mental image than we think. 

Coping Skills – Coping skills are methods people use to manage everyday and life situations that can arise. Coping skills are useful in stressful situations, feelings of anxiety and/or depression, and everyday life complications. In fact, coping skills are incredibly important because they can help people face situations, take action, and be flexible and persistent in solving problems. People who cope well tend to be flexible in how they respond to situations and overall have a better outlook on life. Methods of coping skills can be learning to focus attention and awareness through meditation, breathing, and/or physical movements or certain actions for example. Coping skills are often learned through personal experience, observing others, reading from good examples, without the need of a digital device. Technology in fact is showing concerning signs of interruption with health coping skills. Where gaming, gambling, and notifications of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ are providing dopamine fixes and escapes from difficult situations. Hence the need why treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health should be sought as soon as possible. 

Social Support – We are human, it is in the very fabric of our being to be social with each other for our own emotional and psychological health. Building a social network by spending time with friends or connecting with your faith community is crucial for positive psychological health. The digital age can provide connection as well of course, with technology enabling us to communicate with each other at record speeds from any distance – even space! However, what depth and value does this type of connection feel like in comparison to connecting in real life- face to face and with touch? Digital devices and social media platforms have actually made new pathways of psychological abuse thru cyberbullying and isolation. Where keyboard warriors can take over to an extent in humiliating a person or equally making a person feel abandoned or isolated by blocking them. While digital devices offer wonderful ways of support, they can equally offer ways of isolation- so being aware of both is important. 

How Digital Addiction Affects Our Mental Health

There is no question that digital devices and technology overall can have both positive and ill-will effects on a person’s mental health. For example, studies comparing social media use, mental wellbeing, and academic performance among college students supported the idea that social media addiction lowers mental performance. In the report, college students who used social media the most consistently performed worse academically than their peers who used social media the least. The study also found that social media use has a detrimental impact on college students who already have poor mental health, suggesting that it can exacerbate the problem when social needs are not met. If you’re a college student or not, the study’s findings show that social media addiction can have a detrimental impact on success, whether it’s in school or at work.

While hundreds of social media addiction treatment programs exist throughout Asia, treatment options in the U.S had been almost non-existent. But now that has changed dramatically as digital devices are abundantly found in the United States. Omega Recovery offers the best, evidence-based, most immersive and transformative digital addiction treatment program for young adults in the United States. Our holistic, nationally-recognized and accredited program is here to provide you with the best evidence-based care, regardless of which stage of recovery you are in. Treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health, and no better team understands this more than Omega Recovery. Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one struggling with recovery – we can help.

Why Omega Recovery Offers The Best Treatment For Digital Addiction

At Omega Recovery, we aim to ensure long term recovery for digital addiction with proven evidence-based methods. Omega’s founder and Chief Clinical Officer- Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, has spent almost 20 years in NY helping thousands of young people and adults struggling with digital addiction. Our amazing team of dedicated and experienced professionals help clients discover their true potential without the unhealthy clutch of their digital devices. Omega Recovery also utilizes the beautiful landscapes and parks of Austin, Texas. Opportunities for healing with nature immersion groups and therapeutic excursions- such as rock climbing, ropes courses, kayaking, and hiking. Afternoons are spent participating in Active Behavioral Coaching among other specially designed treatments for digital addiction. By using a variety of traditional evidence-based therapies (such as CBT & DBT) and experiential therapies (such as psychodrama, nature immersion, mindfulness), Omega endeavors to shift a person into a deeper, more meaningful and embodied way of being. Other programs that are supportive for digital addiction recovery include 12-Step work, Outdoor Behavioral Health, Archetypal work or ‘Hero’s Journey’, Martial Arts, and Psychotherapy,  and Somatics like Yoga. Treatment for digital addiction is crucial for emotional and psychological health and will be addressed individually for each of our clients. Our clients mean the world to us, and it is our honor to help anyone in search of freedom from their digital addiction. Visit our website or call us at (512) 601-5407.

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