Tag Archives: Tech Addiction

Virtual Reality: The Impending Revolution and Risky Consequences

virtual reality and society

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new technology that is on the brink of revolutionizing the way we interact with the world. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with each other, allowing us to explore new realms of experience and knowledge. But with any new technology, there are risks. VR can have […]

How Screen Addiction Can Take Over Your Life

screen addiction treatment

In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine life without screens. From our phones and tablets to our TVs and computers, screens are everywhere. But when our screen addiction starts to take over our lives, it can have serious consequences for our health, our relationships, and our loved ones. We must learn to recognize the signs […]

Rehab Center with Video Game Addiction Help

video game addiction help

Looking for a rehab center wth video game addiction help? Video game addiction can be a difficult challenge to face, affecting not only the individual playing the games but also their loved ones. Omega Recovery understands the difficulties of this addiction and we are here to guide you or your loved one towards a healthy […]

Choosing a Rehab For Technology Addiction

technology addiction

In the era of technology, it’s common to be glued to your screens for hours, but when it starts to become a technology addiction it will affect your life in a negative way. Choosing a rehab center for technology addiction may seem daunting, but it’s crucial to pick a trustworthy facility that has professionals who […]

The Links Between Screen Addiction and Anxiety Disorder

the links between screen addiction and anxiety disorder

Screen addiction and anxiety disorder are rising concerns lately. In today’s society becoming increasingly reliant on screens, we are seeing a concerning rise in anxiety levels. Whether it’s social media, email, or the constant barrage of notifications, it’s becoming harder and harder to disconnect. At Omega Recovery, we understand the connection between screen addiction and […]

Omega’s Recovery’s Dr. K helps Florida Legislature Pass law banning Social Media in Schools

Omega Recovery’s Dr. K has recently played a pivotal role in aiding the Florida legislature to pass a crucial bill that bans the use of social media in schools. This significant step has been taken after realizing the severe negative effects of technology and social media on the mental health and academic progress of students. […]

Treating Tech Addiction at Omega Recovery

Social Media Addiction Austin

Hello! My name is Madison Hamm, and I am the current Clinical Director of Omega Recovery. Part of my journey with Omega has been working closely with Dr. Kardaras to consistently build, improve and innovate within the field of technology addiction. What I have found in my experience with technology addiction is that it is […]

Dr K on A&E – Digital Addiction

Omega Recovery’s very own Dr Nicholas Kardaras aka Dr K is the expert who does a harrowing tech addiction intervention. Scheduled to premiering Tuesday, September 17 at 9:00pm CST. During this show, you’ll discover the painful reality of digital addiction and the negative affects of this mental disorder. One of the show participants goes to […]

The WHO Rules Gaming Disorder a Mental Health Classification

The World Health Organization’s announcement to include gaming disorder a medical diagnosis. Through the years, video games have gotten a bad rap. They are seen as a major distraction, with tech addiction affecting people of all ages and all genders. They have remained controversial through the years with their graphic topics covering violence and sexuality. […]

Alcohol Detox, Austin Texas

An estimated 17 million Americans suffer from alcohol abuse. Americans that have problems with alcohol qualify them for diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder, and the cost of alcohol abuse and use in the country is estimated to be significantly over $200 million per year. This places the burden on society as a result of […]

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