Breaking the Stigma: Why Seeking Addiction Counseling in Austin is a Sign of Strength

addiction counseling in Austin

There is no shortage of addictions in the times we live in, unfortunately. However, there is such an astounding amount of information available whether thru; information online, libraries, seminars, videos, counseling centers, and support groups for anyone struggling with addiction. There are even programs available today, in every state, that offer support for anyone seeking addiction counseling and/or rehabilitation at no cost if qualified. As with anything in life, when you seek- you shall find. There are many components of addiction, including anything from it can start and how it can end. Factors such as environment, genetics, mental and emotional health, physical health, and trauma all play a role in addiction. In this article, we delve into these components, shedding light on how they define addiction and what can be done to address them. Help in breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength- not weakness. There is no better show of strength than moving from the past and taking the steps toward a brighter future. 

The Core Meaning Of Addiction And Why

Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People that struggle with addiction often use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and continue to do so regardless of hurtful reactions and harmful consequences. At a very basic level, addiction to suffering is driven by a desire to feel better. However, the result is that an addiction (whether to substance or behavior) makes us feel worse and actually causes us to suffer even more. And in severe cases, it may lead to death- reasons for breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength. Below are some of the most common forms of addiction treated today at an addiction facility in Austin.

Alcohol Addiction – Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol, also called Alcoholism. Essentially it is the inability to control drinking due to both a physical and emotional dependence on alcohol. Symptoms include a strong need or urge to use alcohol. Also known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, or alcohol use disorder, is categorized as a chronic brain disease. It is extremely complicated because it not only affects the person who consumes alcohol, but also the person’s entire close circle of family and friends.

Substance Abuse Addiction – Also known as substance use disorder (SUD), opioid dependence, or opioid use disorder, is categorized as a chronic brain disease. Substance Abuse Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. Because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control- it is characterized as a chronic brain disease. Substances often abused include; nicotine, marijuana, opioids, heroin, fentanyl and methamphetamines.

Technology Addiction – Addiction to technology is a relatively new phenomenon, but it is one of the fastest growing addictions that we have ever seen. Technology Addiction is an umbrella term that includes addictive behavior towards video gaming, social media, texting, gambling, cybersex and online porn, online auctioning or shopping platforms, as well the general overuse of screens and/or smartphones. When a person is addicted to technology, these activities are done to avoid or alleviate feelings of anxiety or irritability, rather than for fun and recreation. Technology addiction involves excessive use of devices and platforms named above, even when it worsens problems and distress. Breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength has never been more needed. Other forms of addiction found under this umbrella term of Technology Addiction include:

  • Screen Addiction – Screen Addiction is a set of behaviors and consequences that can occur when we use too much screen time during the day that can lead to the need for intensive treatment. Prolonged use of digital screens like watching tv, playing video games, scrolling through social media for extended periods of time can be like a digital drug for our brain. Physical problems such as obesity, lack of interest in activities without a screen, eye strain and eye sensitivity can be observed. 
  • Video Game Addiction – Considered a form of tech addiction, computer addiction, or internet addiction- Video Game Addiction is a compulsive or uncontrolled use of video games that negatively affects other areas of the person’s life. Video games have become more commonplace and often target children and young adults. Which is why treatment as soon as possible, especially for children and young adults, is imperative. 
  • Phone Addiction –  More commonly diagnosed, smartphone addiction, is a disorder involving compulsive overuse of the mobile devices. Usually quantified by the number of times a user accesses their devices and/or the total amount of time spent over a specified time period. It is rarely the phone or tablets itself that creates the addiction, but rather the games, apps and online worlds it connects the user to. 
  • Social Media Addiction – Defined as compulsive and excessive use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat) in everyday life and activities. Even when the use of social media platforms takes over a person’s life and has a negative effect on their ‘real life’ and relationships. In breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength is important for social media addicts especially. 
  • Online Gambling Addiction – Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling or gambling disorder, is a type of impulse-control disorder that continues to affect more families every year. Individuals with a gambling addiction have been seen to have little to no control when it comes to the impulse to gamble. Online gambling is often more dangerous than in person gambling as the money transferred is not physically seen- and therefore feels less real and consequential when lost. Online gambling is a problem when financial responsibilities and obligations in real life are threatened without caution.
  • Porn Addiction – Pornography addiction is a type of addiction that involves obsessive sexual behavior combined with the consumption of pornographic content. Continued porn use despite the apparent detrimental effects to one’s physical, emotional, social, or economical well-being. Similar to sex, porn activates the dopamine reward center of the brain in ways very similar to drug use, so it can very easily lead to habit-forming compulsion. With AI technology on the forefront and loneliness at an all time high, porn addiction has skyrocketed in the last decade. Again, why breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength and not weakness. Seeking support allows healing for those struggling, as well as for their family and loved ones.

addiction counseling in Austin

What Is Addiction Counseling In Austin And Why Is It Important?

At all levels, addiction counselors offer therapy to people struggling with drugs or alcohol dependence or addiction. While there are multiple levels of certification, counselors can expect to work in a hands-on capacity with patients, guiding them through the recovery process. An addiction counselor (substance abuse counselor) helps people who have substance use disorders get treatment. They’re experts on the ins and outs of addiction and develop tailored treatment plans based on your specific addiction, needs and goals. hey provide prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment services for patients with unhealthy substance use or substance-related health conditions.A treatment plan is a map specifying where clients are in recovery from substance use and criminality, where they need to be, and how they can best use available resources (personal, program-based, or criminal justice) to get there.

Understanding The 12 Core Functions Of Addiction Counseling

Once someone understands breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength, a counselor should be sought. Addiction is no easy feat to overcome, but with the right tools and support addiction can be a theme of the past. Professional addiction counselors understand the 12 core functions and are proficient in tasks and actions necessary for their clients success in overcoming addiction. These functions aim for both the counselor and client a steady path to walk toward recovery, and are simply the types of actions that are necessary for recovery success. Below is an example of each function and can give an idea as to why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength:

  1. Patient Screening – Before someone becomes a patient in any type of addiction counseling program, they must be screened or evaluated for better understanding of their addiction. Signs of any substance abuse, other forms of abuse, co-occurring disorders, or concerning behaviors will be addressed. These conditions need to be identified and then addressed to treat the whole person, and are necessary to match the client with appropriate programs.
  2. Intake – Once it is determined that a patient is a good match for a particular program, the admissions or intake process begins. A supportive counselor will ensure all paperwork and/or necessary actions are taken to get the client started in their program and begin treatment.
  3. Orientation – Each addiction treatment center and/or program is unique, just as each client and their addiction is unique. Orientation will cover everything from rules of client conduct, daily schedules, facility operations, community introductions, and more. In breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength, the community is profound.
  4. Assessment – Similar to screening, assessment dives much deeper into a patient’s history. Assessment will include gathering information about a patient’s history with drugs/alcohol/technology abuse, as well as focus on a patient’s problems and needs. This often includes a patient’s strengths and weaknesses, all necessary for treating the whole person. Assessment helps a professional addiction counselor to develop a solid evaluation of the patient’s addiction and any co-occurring disorders.
  5. Treatment Planning – This core function involves both the addiction counselor and patient in outlining a path of success to walk toward recovery. Treatment planning will identify any problems a patient may face along the way, therefore, creating short-term goals and long-term goals. Treatment methods will be discussed, as well as the types of resources along the way during the addiction recovery process. The patient will be involved during each step of the process, as it’s crucial that they understand the treatment plan and how and why the addiction counselor chose this specific plan.
  6. Counseling – Counseling can involve many different options, including individual counseling, family counseling and group counseling. There may be different types of therapy involved, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help patients deal with any concerns and/or issues. Counseling is an essential element of whole person healing, often we need another person’s perspective and insight to see what we cannot ourselves. Hence, breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength. 
  7. Case Management – An experienced addiction counselor will create a plan for a patient that includes a variety of services. This can include identifying doctors that can help with various physical and mental illnesses, and/or finding programs such as 12-step or alumni groups after a person leaves an addiction counseling center. 
  8. Crisis Intervention – A crisis can occur at any point during rehab or recovery from addiction, no matter the type or severity of addiction. Which again, is why breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength and not weakness. Professional addiction counselors know that steps will need to be taken as quickly as possible to mitigate the crisis. Having a crisis plan set in place by an experienced addiction counseling center in Austin can help patients work through their crisis safely. 
  9. Client Education – Addiction can be an overwhelming matter to think about, let alone comprehend. Oftentimes, a patient doesn’t understand their addictions or other problems they might be facing. This includes being unaware of the many resources available to them, which is why professional addiction counseling is important. 
  10. Referral – Although related to case management, this important core function is identifying areas where an addiction counseling center in Austin cannot meet all of their client’s needs. Referrals are the actions in finding appropriate services to help a client’s whole person healing from addiction. For example, someone battling with alcohol addiction and bulimia may be referred to a certified nutritionist as well for needed support on their recovery journey.  
  11. Reporting & Record Keeping – Patient confidentiality is crucial, and an experienced addiction counseling facility and staff will respect this. For those breaking the stigma: why seeking addiction counseling in Austin is a sign of strength, this is especially important. 
  12. Consultation With Other Professionals – Collaboration with other professionals experienced in addiction counseling is the last of the core functions to be explained. Whether inside an addiction counseling in Austin center, or outside- having a full range of support is best. Addiction counseling is so much more than just sitting down with a professional and talking about your problems. Addiction counseling is finding an experienced coach that will guide you to the finish line, ensuring everything you need to succeed is in place. 
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