Phone Addiction Rehab in Austin Can Help You Disconnect And Break Free

Phone Addiction Rehab in Austin

There is no denying that phones, no matter what kind or intelligence, are a part of everyday life in the modern world. While phones can offer an incredible amount of convenience at a fairly affordable price, the mental cost can be substantial for some. Thanks to a lack of safety studies and years of mild concern- phone use has steadily climbed to unchecked and unregulated levels. For some people using a phone is harmless and oftentimes, is just a way to communicate with others and/or search for the closest happy hour. However, for some, phone use can become addictive and leave someone anxious without their palm held pilot. Whether for yourself or someone you love, finding support for understanding and recovering from phone addiction is better now rather than later. Phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from an online world that ties you down to a device found in the palm of your hand. At Omega Recovery we understand all too well the addiction hardship and process needed for life changing recovery. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals work with each client on the steps needed to be taken on the recovery path. With one of the very first steps being recognition and understanding of how and why phone addiction is on the rise.

What Is Phone Addiction Exactly?

Unfortunately, we still have much to learn about the impacts of phone use on the human mind and collective consciousness. No doubt thanks to the negligence of those who produce and sell phones as a way to propel their business and make a living, finding information about phones and addiction is slim. It is only after an isolating pandemic that we are now seeing a concerning climb in technology dependence and phone addiction. Defined as the compulsive overuse of a phone or mobile device, phone addiction is still being understood. In fact, Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone or without access to a mobile phone. Phone addiction is also usually quantified as the number of times a user accesses their device and/or the total amount of time they are online over a specified period. It is important to understand that compulsive phone use is just one type of addiction found under the technology umbrella. Omega Recovery was founded in part due to this exploding pandemic of various addictions associated with technology. Phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from an alternate reality that can leave a person isolated and devoid of real connection with the world. 

So, how the heck did a phone get so addictive in the first place? Brain imaging research shows that stimulating glowing screens are just as dopamine-activating to the brain’s pleasure center as sex is. Phone notifications and even sounds such as a ‘Like’, ‘Comment’, or ‘Follow’ can actually trigger the brain for dopamine release and instigate addiction. If you’re thinking this seems a bit dramatic, then consider the linked disorders found to be correlated with phone addiction. In recent findings, smartphone addiction research correlates screen technology with disorders such as; ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Increased Aggression, and even Psychosis. Most shocking of all, recent brain imaging studies conclusively show that excessive screen exposure can neurologically damage a young person’s developing brain in the same way that drug addiction can. Quoting our co-founder and Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras- “I’ve worked with hundreds of heroin addicts and crystal meth addicts, and what I can say is that it’s easier to treat a heroin addict than a true screen addict.” Whether for yourself or someone you care about, seeking phone addiction rehab in Austin sooner rather than later will increase the probability of recovery. 

Interestingly enough, there have been quite a few tech genius minds that are aware of the correlation between technology use and phone addiction. Steve Jobs was a low-tech parent In 2010, when a reporter suggested that his children must love the just-released iPad, he replied: “They haven’t used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home.” (New York Times September 10, 2014.) This should speak volumes, as ironically, Apple and its enormously famous iPhone have played a huge role in smartphone availability and demand. Being aware of your screen time, or someone you love such as a child you are concerned about, is key. Perhaps balance is the answer for what can be done to reduce phone addiction, as balance is also maybe the key to life in general. Phones and their role in everyday life can be kept at a healthy level when used as needed. 


Positive Actions That Can Be Done To Reduce Phone Addiction

Some of what can be done to reduce phone addiction depends on awareness, on an individual , community, and society level. At Omega Recovery, our experienced team recognizes the importance of technology but isn’t blind to its potential negative effects either. Specifically the risk of phone addiction, as we know all too well how much technology can affect our awareness and mental health. Utilizing phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from a world that disconnects you from your genuine self. What can be done to reduce phone addiction is especially important in regards to children and young adolescents. In fact, the simple truth is kids need time for exposure to all kinds of stimuli for proper brain development. Children need time to work on social skills while also needing physical exercise for proper body development. For example, if too much time is spent on a phone or other digital device, that is time taken away from addressing other important facets of life. Leaving a child at risk for phone addiction, which can then lead to other concerning disorders they could experience for the rest of their life. Thankfully, there are ways to help yourself or a loved one reset from the programming of phone addiction. The best ways to disconnect from addiction are:

Create Healthy Habits – Creating healthier habits is one of the best ways to train our brain, this is especially true for phone addiction. Putting your phone away at certain times of your day such as; at school, work, while eating, around family, and especially at night are crucial for a healthy balance. Change your phone settings, utilize the “do not disturb” or “silent mode” settings on your phone during certain times or tasks during your day. And never, repeat, NEVER charge your phone near your bed to help break a potential unhealthy phone addiction. 

Helpful Apps – Utilizing an app to bolster self-control has also been proven successful with breaking phone addiction. Apps such as Forest, Flipd, Moment, and Space are great for focusing and are a chance for new insight into a person’s patterns and habits.  Phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free because it offers life changing skills, such as incorporating helpful apps and practices.

Nature Immersion – One of the strongest allies for breaking phone addiction is Nature. We live in a beautiful world, one that a phone could never replicate on a real level. Setting aside one day a week where you connect back with nature- whether by a walk, hike, bike ride, or stroll entirely phone free is incredibly important. Reconnection with the outside world allows a crucial connection within, bringing awareness back to a healthier self. 

30 Day Challenge – Try a 30-Day experiment or challenge to reset the amount of time used on a phone. Whether it means limiting use, or just setting up a more mindful schedule of use and utilizing discipline- awareness is key. 30 days allows a person to get a better insight and compare how they feel and interact with themselves and the world around them.

Seek Support – Ask for help! What greater courage could we have then wanting the best life for ourselves. Seeking a phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from a world that can become isolating, anxious, and depressing.

Of course, what can be done to reduce phone addiction is not limited to what has been shared above. One benefit of having technology is the wonderful availability of information found online today, whether it be through support groups or sites that provide general knowledge. Phone addiction treatment is available, and the resources needed to do so are at most people’s fingertips. Phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from a life doomed to scrolling and watching other people live their lives. Omega Recovery utilizes both evidence-based and experiment-based treatments for clients of every walk of life. Our dedicated team has the knowledge and experience to help you or a loved one break free from phone addiction at any severity level. 

Phone Addiction Rehab in Austin

Utilizing A Phone Addiction Rehab In Austin Can Help You Disconnect From Tech

While a smartphone can be a hugely productive tool, compulsive use of this device can interfere with work, school, and relationships. One of the most serious issues with Tech Addiction is the absence of online responsibility. Users are often hiding behind a screen and engaging in behavior that they would never do in real life. For anyone struggling with phone misuse,  a phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free. At Omega Recovery, our clinical program is a way to unplug from devices and create a healthy balance. Austin, Texas provides the beautiful backdrop for recovery- a beautiful city to reconnect with the real world. There are countless studies showing the importance of nature being included in our busy and tech filled lives. Utilizing a phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from a life doomed to scrolling and wasting away a living life. 

At Omega Recovery’s phone addiction treatment program in Austin, our clients receive 30 hrs of clinical treatment while living in a large, beautiful, secure home right in the community. They spend 5 days a week working with some of the best therapists in Austin. Our clients attend life skills groups, receive peer recovery coaching, and personal fitness training all in a secure setting and supportive environment. Omega Recovery also utilizes the beautiful landscapes and parks of Austin, Texas for nature immersion groups and therapeutic excursions, such as rock climbing, ropes courses, kayaking, and hiking. Afternoons are spent participating in Active Behavioral Coaching. Additionally, all treatment program clients will be able to receive psychiatric support from Omega’s medical director, Dr. Loving, and his team.


Omega Recovery Can Help You Break Free From Phone Addiction For Good

Phones are part of life in today’s world as they provide the bridge to connection and communication to others. While most people today have experienced some degree of Nomophobia, some have crossed the line to full-blown smart phone dependence or smart phone addiction. An increasing number of people have become addicted to the little dopamine reward we all get every time we check our phone. Others suffer from severe FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and feel compulsively driven to check their phones for calls, texts, tweets or messages. Heaven forbid they miss out on some life-affirming and identity-validating bit of phone-delivered information from an alternate reality. However, our true selves have no identity tied to a phone, let alone any device. Omega Recovery is the phone addiction rehab in Austin that can help you disconnect and break free from a false identity. Our dedicated team provides the best care and treatments available for phone addiction. 

At Omega Recovery, Dr. Kardaras’s unique program does indeed address all those underlying issues. Yes, there is a digital detox period, but during that digital detox, the real work of self-discovery—and long-term recovery—occurs. We meaningfully engage our tech and phone addiction clients and connect them to caring, well-trained masters-level therapists trained by Dr. Kardaras and certified by the NIDHW (National Institute for Digital Health and Wellness). Clients begin to do the underlying psychodynamic work so that they can build a stronger and more empowered sense of their own identity—without the constant impulsive need to check their phones. Utilizing the best phone addiction rehab in Austin can help you disconnect and break free from a life doomed to a small device found in the palm of your hand. Reconnect within and you will find a beautiful life that no phone or technology could ever create. Visit our website or call us at (512) 601-5407.

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