Austin, Texas residents have been through a whirlwind since the pandemic of 2020, with depression rates at their all time high not too long ago. In fact, the suicide rate in Austin increased from 13 per 100,000 in 2020 to 18.2 per 100,000 in 2021. Unfortunately, making it the highest rate in the previous ten years. Even more concerning is the data SAMSA found in May 2022. It found that 30% of adults in Texas who reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder said they needed counseling or therapy but didn’t receive it. While depression is a natural part of life, for some it can become debilitating without the support and guidance needed at its worst depth. Finding depression therapy in Austin: seeking a stronger mind and happier life is key to anyone living their best life again.
Depression is considered to be the most prevalent mental health problem in the nation, with about one in every five Americans suffering a depressive episode at some point in their lives. Even though the disease is common, it can be difficult to recognize and even more difficult to convince someone hiding it to realize their own suffering. Thankfully, however, whether it be yourself or someone you love that wants to change their life- there is help. When depression becomes too much to handle, there is depression therapy: seeking a stronger mind and happier life. Professional treatment centers exist to help anyone seeking the support and guidance they need to thrive in their own life again. At Omega Recovery we aim to assist our clients through every step of the way in their healing process. Which is why Austin residents come to us first for mental health treatment and therapy.
What Depression Can Look And Feel Like
Just as each of us unique beings are different, so can be the signs of struggle and depression in our own life. It is important to understand that while many symptoms of depression are commonly observed in diagnosed patients, some symptoms are unique to the person only. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Whether it be a loss of interest in things and activities once enjoyed, or loss of interest in self care and relationships- all are concerning. Also called major depressive disorder, depression can affect how you feel, think, behave, and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. Someone struggling with depression may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities and responsibilities both at home and work or school. The worst symptom being a loss of interest in life or feeling as if life isn’t worth living anymore. Below are some signs often commonly seen and felt by a person struggling with depression.
Signs Commonly Seen In People Suffering From Depression
- Persistent low mood, tiredness, and lack of energy.
- Excessive guilt or feelings of worthlessness.
- Trouble concentrating and making decisions.
- Talking or moving more slowly than usual.
- Restlessness or trouble sitting still.
- Memory problems.
- Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, emptiness, irritability, frustration, and anger.
- Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed- this can include anything from a hobby, meeting with friends to lack of interest in sex with a partner.
- Pain self-inflicted on the body.
- Thoughts of suicide.
Again, not all signs of depression will be limited to what we have outlined above. These are just the most commonly observed in the mental health and wellness community. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States among people between the ages of 15 and 44, with women twice as likely to be diagnosed. Worsening an already difficult situation is that nearly 50% of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Whether it be yourself that can resonate with these common signs of struggle, or you recognize these signs in someone else- seeking depression therapy in Austin is key.
Proven Forms Of Treatment And Depression Therapy In Austin
When deciding which facility to use for depression therapy in Austin: seeking a stronger mind and happier life, you will find similar experience-based treatment options. These kinds of depression treatment or therapy can include:
Peer Recovery Coaching – Regarding depression therapy, peer recovery coaching refers to a support system where individuals struggling with depression receive guidance and encouragement from a “peer”. Meaning someone who has personally experienced and recovered from depression themselves. This allows the person to share their lived experience, coping strategies, and insights to help others navigate their own recovery journey.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a treatment modality and a major aspect of our program. It is very common for individuals struggling with screen addiction to experience destructive and negative thinking or maladaptive thought patterns. Since our cognition affects our wellbeing, changing harmful thought patterns will help clients recognize their ability to practice alternative ways of thinking. It also serves to regulate distressing emotions and harmful behavior. As an evidence-based treatment modality, CBT is a proven effective treatment for substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, and specific mental health diagnoses. An active therapeutic modality, CBT is present-oriented, problem-focused, and goal-directed.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – DBT teaches clients how to regulate their emotions to reduce the self-destructive behaviors that derive from extreme, intense emotions. Primarily a skill-building approach, DBT focuses on the development of four key skill sets; Distress Tolerance, Emotion regulation, Mindfulness (to live in the moment and fully experience emotions), and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): Similar to CBT, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) helps clients identify, challenge, and replace their destructive thoughts and convictions with healthier, adaptive thoughts. Empirical studies demonstrate that this process incites emotional well-being and goal achievement.
Omega Recovery Also Provides Holistic Forms Of Depression Therapy In Austin
In your search for the best depression therapy in Austin, you will find that not all depression treatment centers offer the same. Whether it be location, accommodations, staff on hand, or kinds of therapy offered. The best example of this is found in the variety of treatments provided as an option or combined. Experimental forms of depression therapy are considered holistic and oftentimes not found necessarily in government or state covered facilities. One of the perks in choosing Omega Recovery as a roadmap for seeking a stronger mind and happier life is the outstanding options of holistic therapies we offer.
Outdoor Behavioral Health – There are three primary types of settings for receiving behavioral health treatment care or services- Hospital Inpatient, Residential, and Outpatient. Outdoor behavioral health therapy incorporates nature, no matter the setting or location. It often includes outdoor/nature based therapy with an emphasis on experiential techniques involving a sense of adventure, risk, and challenge. More often than not, adventure therapy takes place in group settings compared to 1:1, though both are common.
Nature Immersion – A holistic approach that involves re-connecting a client with nature to boost overall mental and physical health. The premise focuses on people being outdoors and in the natural world. Nature Immersion can involve meditation, forest bathing, sound healing, and physical activities such as hiking or surfing in supportive locations. When looking for depression therapy in Austin: seeking a stronger mind and happier life, nature immersion is very beneficial.
Narrative Therapy & ‘The Hero’s Journey’ – A type of counseling approach that focuses on helping individuals understand and change their life stories. They can accomplish this by viewing problems as separate from themselves, allowing them to “reauthor” their narratives to highlight strengths and create a more positive self-image. A key technique used in narrative therapy is “externalization,” where the problem is given a name and separated from the person to gain perspective and empower change. The Hero’s Journey is a powerful form of depression therapy; seeking a stronger mind and happier life.
Yoga & Somatic Techniques – Yoga is a prime example of a somatic therapy that can be included as a holistic force with successful depression therapy in Austin. Somatic therapy techniques help people develop a deeper understanding of their bodies and how their physical experiences relate to their emotions and psychology. Some techniques include breathwork, body-awareness, grounding, body-mind centering, and mindfulness.
While both experience-based and holistic treatments aim to address a person’s overall well-being, the key difference lies in their approach. Experience-based treatment focuses on actively engaging individuals in immersive experiences to confront past traumas or challenging situations. Holistic treatment takes a broader perspective, considering the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person to identify and address underlying causes of issues. In layman’s terms experience-based therapy uses direct, hands-on experiences to facilitate healing. While holistic forms of therapy look at the whole person and may incorporate various practices like nutrition, mindfulness, and lifestyle changes to promote well-being. At Omega Recovery we aim to treat the whole person, our client from head to toe including every ounce of trauma and joy they have endured in their life. Holistic forms of depression therapy allow the client to explore all forms of treatment that they need to not only heal but continue to use after treatment. We are made of the same elements as nature, so it only makes sense that our mental and physical health are intertwined.
Seeking A Stronger Mind And Happier Life After Diagnosing Depression
The goal of depression therapy is to help give a person the mental tools they need to love themselves and enjoy their own life again. There is an abundance of mental health tools, support, and daily habits that can help someone seeking a stronger mind and a happier life. In fact, one of the biggest advantages of seeking treatment from a professional depression therapy facility in Austin is the tremendous support and experience. At Omega Recovery, clients will receive both conventional and holistic forms of therapy in treating their depression. This is especially important for treating the whole person and not just their mental health disorder. After depression therapy in Austin, it is key for the recovered individual to have healthy habits continue after treatment.
Our experienced team at Omega Recovery provides the insight, experience, and support needed not only during treatment but also after treatment. Providing positive tools such as journaling, mindfulness in each day, physical exercise or movements to promote positive mental health are all part of the healing process to continue once home. We aim in replacing negative thought patterns and routine with the opposite- healthy and positive ones. By doing this, our clients have a better chance at navigating life’s tough turns and bumpy roads. Depression therapy in Austin, seeking a stronger mind and happier life means dramatic change in how we see and treat ourselves on a daily basis.
Depression Therapy In Austin That Works And Continues After Treatment
In the modern digital age we’ve seen an epidemic spike in mental health disorders–especially amongst young adults, both in Austin and everywhere else in the world. Record rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, personality disorders, overdoses, increased ADHD and overall malaise. Since Covid, depression rates have tripled, anxiety rates have hit record levels and suicides have dramatically increased. According to depression researcher Dr. Steven Ilardi, “Americans are 10 times more likely to have depressive illness than they were 60 years ago…and a recent study found the rate of depression has more than doubled in just the past decade”. With such concerning results from research done in assessing our mental health in today’s world, something has to change. Whether it be seeking help for yourself or someone you care about, or offering support and services to those in need of a positive force- do it.
Our team of skilled therapists and psychiatrists at Omega Recovery are adept at navigating the complexities of mental health while also providing a safe and supportive environment for individual and group depression therapy in Austin. Dr. Kardaras and his team have incorporated “Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes” into the clinical protocols of Omega Recovery in Austin. Including unplugging from electronic devices, developing a sense of healing community, physical exercise within a group/community setting, and immersing oneself in nature. Depression therapies used with existential exploration and traditional psychotherapy and evidence based modalities like CBT and DBT can literally be life-saving. When all of the above mentioned elements are combined together in depression treatment, the results are often nothing less than human alchemy– a complete psychic transformation. We will always strive to give our clients what they need in seeking a stronger mind and happier life.