Phone Addiction Help: Understanding Warning Signs And Taking Control Of Device Usage

phone addiction help

If you need any proof that phone addiction is alive and well, take a look at the people around you in any given environment. Whether sitting at a restaurant, enjoying the park, or even just walking down a busy street- it is incredible how many people you will find engaged on their phone. Of course, it’s not exactly our fault in the sense that smartphones today allow a person to do virtually anything they desire in the palm of their hand. From keeping in contact through communication, checking our bank account, to ordering lunch- smartphones add a lot of convenience to our daily life. Part of the problem with phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of device usage is that this epidemic is still being understood. Much more research needs to be done in understanding what effects technology is having on our mental, psychological, and physical health. And unfortunately, our younger generations are the groups we are most learning from today in regards to phone addiction & its effects. 


The Warning Signs Of Phone Addiction

While a smartphone can serve as a highly productive tool, compulsive use of this device can interfere with work, school, and especially relationships. Someone might consider phone addiction treatment when they spend more time on their social media or playing games than they do interacting in their real life. In fact, a relatively new disorder is Nomophobia which is the fear of being without a mobile phone or without access to a mobile phone. Often those in need of phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of devices cannot put their phone down. Repeatedly checking their phone, even when it has negative or severe consequences in their own life is a sure sign of phone addiction. To be considered in having a screen and/or phone addiction, you need to meet these three criteria. The first being compulsion, second an inability to control your compulsion, and thirdly the knowledge that it is having a negative effect on your ‘real life’ and relationships. Unhealthy phone addiction can hurt not only the person struggling but also their relationships with others by taking over their entire life. Below are some of the most common warning signs that indicate a serious phone addiction:


  • Conscious use of the phone in dangerous situations like driving or crossing the street.
  • Excessive phone use that causes social and family conflicts and confrontations.
  • A loss of interesting other activities outside of phone use. 
  • Disengagement at parties, family gatherings, and settings that need your attention. 
  • Chronic impulsiveness to check the phone even at inappropriate times. 
  • Delayed response to social media or text messages causes anxiety.
  • Feelings of fear and panic when the phone is forgotten or lost. 
  • Continuing to use your phone despite the negative consequences set forth, such a student being warned by their teacher about phone use in class. 
  • Excessive phone use that is causing noticeable physical, mental, social, family or work disturbances that seem to get worse.


Phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of devices is not limited to what is outlined above. Just as each person is different, so may be the warning signs as well. Another tool for insight into whether there is concern of a potential phone addiction is taking this test, free of charge and available to you. Omega Recovery provides tools to help not only clients, but everyone in search of understanding phone addiction and how to break free from it. In combination with our tools, treatments, and programs, we meaningfully engage our tech and phone addiction clients with caring, well-trained masters-level therapists trained by Dr. Kardaras and certified by the NIDHW (National Institute for Digital Health and Wellness). Clients begin to do the underlying psychodynamic work so that they can build a stronger and more empowered sense of their own identity. One without the constant impulsive need to check their phones and the false feelings of validation that came from it. 


Can Phone Addiction Be Helped Before Finding Professional Support By A Facility?

Phone addiction left untreated can have many negative effects on both adults and children, including physical and psychological issues. Mental health is one of the most affected by phone addiction, as it can lead to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders like OCD. Ignored phone addiction can also cause chronic stress, low emotional stability, and self-absorption to just to name a few negative effects. Sleep is also disrupted as well when learning about phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of device usage. Looking at a blue screen (such as a smartphone) before bed can disrupt sleep, delaying the natural melatonin process within the body. Loss of sleep can negatively impact a person’s mental health, memory, and ability to think clearly. Untreated phone addiction can also cause physical issues like neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strain, and obesity. This unhealthy addiction can also lead to inattentive behavior, which can increase the risk of accidental injury and death. Relationships are often very affected by phone addiction, literally making the person struggling with device usage feel even more isolated. Device obsession can cause someone to miss out on quality time with their friends and family, and severely impair relationships. Finding professional treatment as soon as possible is necessary for anyone that struggles with engaging in practices that help distance them from their phone or devices. 


Phone Addiction Help: Understanding Warning Signs And Taking Control Of Devices

Once warning signs of possible phone addiction are seen, there are some practices one can do to help snap out of such an unhealthy state of living. Phone Addiction is a disorder involving compulsive overuse of the mobile devices which can include a phone, tablet, game console, or all of the above. Addiction is usually quantified by the number of times a user accesses their devices and/or the total amount of time they spend on them. Ironically it is not the phone or devices themselves that create the addiction, but rather the games, apps and online worlds it connects someone to. Finding better daily actions that create this same joy outside of a screen is the key in stopping addiction from getting worse. Here are some suggestions in phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of devices today:

  • Setting Time Limits – Establish times in your day that allow you to get entranced with your phone without feeling the guilt. Keeping your phone locked away until break time at work or school for example, or arriving early somewhere such as picking up kids from school. Dedicating an hour to responding to any messages online from friends, family, or work and sticking to the actual time slot rationed. This allows someone to fulfill their daily routine while also keeping a healthy balance with attention to their phone.


  • Stay Mindful   There are fulfilling parts of our day that are even more enjoyable when done mindfully by staying present. Things such as eating meals, spending time with family and friends, and playing games while waiting in line are great to take a technology break. All of these daily activities allow connection through mindful attention at hand without the use of your phone. This is especially important to phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of device usage. 


  • Spend More Time With Loved Ones – The best connection you could ever feel in your day is time with someone you love, or even just enjoy being around. Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers are all the beautiful people that play a crucial role in your real life. Time is the most precious resource we have, and it cannot be bought or given from a phone. Actively putting your phone away and enjoying those around you can help break free from a never ending technology suck. 

  • Waking Up With Technology – Start off your day right with a good stretch, deep breaths, and intentions for your day WITHOUT your phone. Give the brain and body a break by supporting it with a fresh start, or rejuvenation if you will sans free from a distracting smartphone.

  • Fall Asleep Without Your Phone – One of the worst things someone can do before going to bed or taking a nap is look at their phone. Blue screens interrupt our body’s natural rhythm in producing melatonin to promote sleepiness. Blue screens suppress the body’s release of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep. Blue light can trick the brain into thinking it’s daytime, which can make it difficult to wind down and fall asleep. 


  • Exercise – Move your body! One of the most harmful physical effects from phone addiction is the absence of movement and stagnation. Our bodies are made to walk, and the effects of sitting for long periods of time do not serve us well. Whether it is going for a walk, starting a gym membership, or taking up a sport- do it! These are healthy ways to disengage from your phone for a while and give your body the movement it needs. 


These are just a few of the healthy actions and habits that anyone can incorporate into their life. These kinds of actions can help a person reconnect with their own body and real life. While phones today offer incredible convenience, they are also very distracting and disconnecting. Ironic isn’t it- what was made to connect us better is slowly keeping us disconnected from each other in real life scenarios. Having an appreciation for what can be done from your phone and what can be done in person is a huge key to keeping clear from phone addiction. 

phone addiction help

Omega Recovery Provides The Best Phone Addiction Help Found Anywhere 

Do you have Nomophobia? This serious irrational fear of being without a phone or being unable to use a phone because of a poor signal or low battery is real. While most people today have experienced some degree of Nomophobia, some have crossed the line to full-blown phone dependence and/or phone addiction. An increasing number of people have become addicted to the little dopamine reward we all get every time we check our phone. Others suffer from severe FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and feel compulsively driven to check their phones for calls, texts, tweets or messages. Phone addiction help: understanding warning signs and taking control of device usage starts the day concerns arise. We at Omega Recovery understand first hand how phone addiction can affect a person’s life and all those surrounded. 

At Omega Recovery, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, one of the country’s foremost experts on treating phone addiction, is the author of the best-selling book “Glow Kids”. He and his team have developed a comprehensive and immersive 8-week program designed to not only treat the phone addiction, but the whole person. Treatments and programs designed to address any and all underlying issues that may be contributing to the actual phone addiction. Many phone addicts struggle with self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, substance use, low resilience, shame, trauma. Oftentimes, they struggle to find real purpose and meaning in their lives because they have replaced their identity with what shows on their screen. We take pride at Omega Recovery in helping our clients and their families reconnect with their own real and beautiful life. If you or a loved one show warning signs of phone addiction and need help in a better control of device usage in life, reach out sooner rather than later. We walk with our clients each step of the way! For more information visit our website or call us at (512) 601-5407.

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