How A Strong Alumni Program In Austin Can Reduce Addictions

There isn’t a person on this Earth that wouldn’t want a friend by their side, a support system to help them succeed. It is in our human nature to gravitate toward a positive connection, hence why wolves were domesticated at all. Whether human or furry, having a supportive friend by your side can make all the difference in lasting sobriety. Although no one can walk the path for you or a loved one in troubled times, they certainly hold your hand or give a high five when needed. And at Omega Recovery, we understand how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions. While we can’t say all addiction recovery centers provide a solid alumni program, some absolutely do, and for good reason. At Omega Recovery we take pride that our dedicated alumni team reaches out to our former clients. Whether checking in on their status of their recovery, or inviting them to alumni events and celebrating milestones. If you find that having a strong community of support is helpful in your sobriety journey, seek facilities that provide such an integral connection. 

Why Supportive Alumni Programs Can Help With Addiction Recovery

Did you know that studies have shown that people that are supported by close relationships with friends, family, or fellow members of a church, work, or other support groups thrive? Those supported are even less vulnerable to ill health and premature death! With more and more research being done and proving these findings, it’s no wonder then why support is so critical to addiction recovery. Proving again how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions and help keep those recovered on the path of sustained sobriety. Supportive relationships with caring family, partners, and friends, including individuals who do not use substances themselves, have proven to be helpful in abstaining and maintaining sobriety. When we work together, we succeed together. 

In recovery from addiction, the thought of hope is often the force that motivates people enough to start making concrete changes. Hope reminds those struggling with addiction that the uncomfortable and unbearable is only temporary. A strong alumni program will ensure that hope reminds us that the we can try again tomorrow, a new day awaits. And in fact, hope is the basis upon which all major changes rest. Having a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions because it offers emotional support and therapy in recovery. As well as to promote the self-awareness and skills associated with emotional maturity. This type of alumni support can be absolutely essential when making big changes in one’s life, including making important decisions. Having informational support can help to reduce anxiety and stress around an individual’s problems. A strong alumni program will help clients to feel like they aren’t alone in solving the issue they are facing. That each of us contain the knowledge and tools earned through experience, if we can only push forward another day. 

How Lacking A Strong Support System Can Worsen Addiction

Research has also demonstrated the link between social relationships and many different aspects of health and wellness. Poor social support has been linked to depression and loneliness and has been shown to alter brain function and increase the risk of addiction. There is nothing worse than feeling alone in the world, especially if your substance of choice and/or addiction seems to be your only friend. Hence why strong support and healthy connections are so vital to sustained recovery that lasts a lifetime. How a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions is by eliminating the lack of support and helpful resources. Group meetings, online chat forums, and even personal phone calls and texts can make a world of difference to someone vulnerable to relapse of addiction. 

Options Offered By A Supportive Addictions Facility After Treatment

Whether you have already completed treatment, or just need support after treatment- outpatient rehab options are available. At certain addiction facilities, supportive outpatient rehab is offered and is very similar to individual therapy. It is recommended as a step down from higher structured programs, as it focuses heavily on re-introducing clients back into everyday life. Licensed therapists work with outpatient clients to build upon the momentum achieved during intensive outpatient treatment. Having reliable resources as well as knowledgeable support persons after recovery is key to reintegrating back into everyday life and obligations. At Omega Recovery for example, we take pride in offering our clients tools and resources to help get the ball rolling in living their life successfully after recovery. Some examples of these programs or tools needed for success are:

Recovery Support – A strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions, which is why all clients are required to work a program of recovery with a sponsor or mentor. Suggestions about how to find a sponsor, and meeting times and locations will be provided by the facilitator.

Job Support – Being provided with resources for seeking successful employment is huge for anyone wanting to restart their life again successfully. Because of this, Omega Recovery offers job support and referrals to employers that we’ve developed relationships with. Jobs are not guaranteed, however, assistance with resumes, applications, and interviews is provided.

Referral Suggestions – Many addiction recovery clients require additional attention from psychiatrists, doctors, and outpatient programs. Which is why a facility with a strong alumni program will provide trusted referrals to any member in need of additional care.

Life Skills Meetings – During weekly support groups, clients will learn to practice basic life skills, coping strategies, and clear communication. This is another example of how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions by providing a healthy platform to share. There is great power in the ability to share tools and skills needed for success after addiction treatment. 

Weekly Communication with Family – A facilitator will be providing weekly check-ins with families and loved ones to share areas of growth, discuss areas of concern, and share weekly progress notes. With this kind of program, families should expect at least one 10-15-minute phone call per week.

Why Omega Recovery Offers A Strong Alumni Program

Omega Recovery understands that community integration is key to living a successful life in recovery. Which is precisely the reason why we created the Omega Recovery Alumni Program. Completing our intensive outpatient rehab is just the first step in a journey to a new way of living sober and healthy. We provide continuing care and support as you transition throughout your journey of recovery. Our dedicated alumni team reaches out to our former clients, checking in on them regarding the status of their recovery. While also inviting them to alumni events and celebrating milestones in their journey.

At Omega Recovery our alumni team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week so that our clients have the support they need. We take the opportunity to host a variety of sober fun activities for our alumni family to keep the bond strong. Our alumni’s not only stay in touch with each other but the Omega Recovery family as well. Social media platforms help to maintain these special connections through Facebook, for example. Giving access to support anywhere and at any time of day. Alumni are encouraged to contact us for continued support and care, especially if they’re feeling vulnerable to relapse. Determining how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions is done in seeing the results. Omega Recovery is proud to be the leading addiction recovery center in Austin Texas. Our professional and experienced staff that provide support and treatment programs unlike any other are what stand us apart. We ensure to walk our clients every step of the way needed, when they need it.  

How A Strong Alumni Program In Austin Can Reduce Addictions

Treatment Program – Dr. Kardaras and our clinical team have created a new, better, more effective way for people to not only recover, but to stay recovered. Traditional treatment programs put the struggling individual in an artificial treatment bubble where it’s relatively easy to feel good. However, inevitably when that client leaves treatment, they are unprepared to deal with the stress of everyday life. Therein lies how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions, giving resources outside of treatment. Providing supportive tools, resources, and support outside of the recovery facility in everyday life is key to lasting success. 

At Omega Recovery’s treatment program, our clients receive 30 hrs of clinical treatment while living in a large, beautiful, secure home right in the community of Austin. Clients spend 5 days a week working with some of the best therapists in Austin. Where they can attend life skills groups, receive peer recovery coaching, and personal fitness training all in a secure setting. Everything someone struggling with addiction needs to stay on course for successful recovery and life long lasting sobriety. 

Outpatient Rehab – Omega Recovery’s intensive outpatient rehab in Austin, TX is the ideal program for those who must make a change in their life but don’t have the time to commit to certain treatments. Our non-hospital life setting is the perfect place for individuals who need ongoing support as they transition to the next stage in their life. If you or a loved one needs help, our Intensive Outpatient Rehab may be just the place for you. An intensive outpatient program allows individuals to receive specialized treatment services without changing or uprooting their current living situation. This is ideal for individuals with families, people that are new to the recovery world, or those who are looking to get back on the right track.

Supportive Outpatient Rehab – Omega Recovery’s Supportive Outpatient Rehab is very similar to individual therapy. It is recommended as a step down from our higher structure programs, as it focuses heavily on re-introducing clients back into everyday life. Our licensed therapists work with our outpatient clients to build upon the momentum achieved during intensive outpatient treatment. This kind of rehab also supports how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addictions and/or relapse. Omega Recovery offers two levels of outpatient treatment programs in Austin, TX. Level I: Intensive Outpatient Programing (IOP) and Level II: Supportive Outpatient Programming (SOP). Both programs are designed to integrate individual counseling and group counseling to support each client and their individual needs.

Case Management – The most crucial time for our clients is their first 30-60 days. Our “Thrive in Thirty” case management program is designed to offer added support during this critical adjustment period. Whether transitioning from a treatment center or institution, or seeking refuge from an unmanageable real-world situation, “Thrive In Thirty” offers invaluable structure and support that can reduce the risk of relapse, increase opportunities for financial freedom, and enhance the overall quality of life of our members. Proving again, how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce additions. Case Management is an important factor in addiction programs. 

Omega Recovery Provides The Best Programs Available For Beating Addiction 

Omega Recovery was created in Austin in 2018 in order to address the explosive epidemic of addictive and mental health disorders. Concerning and devastating disorders that are occurring in record numbers among young people in America today. Building on the pioneering work of Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, Omega Recovery created cutting edge protocols combined with the best evidence-based modalities used today. Programs that meaningfully and effectively treat young people struggling with substance addiction, mental health and/or tech addiction issues. Omega clients engage in trauma-informed therapies, including CBT, DBT and traditional psychodynamic therapies. Combined with experiential Nature Immersion and Adventure Therapy to help shift young people into healthier habits as they also address the underlying issues that are contributing to their distress.

We understand how a strong alumni program in Austin can reduce addiction, and we combine that with our incredible treatment programs. Omega’s clinical model proved extremely effective and garnered significant media attention as clients started getting referred from all over the country. This led to an expansion of services to both residential and Outpatient programs as well as adolescent programs launching in the Fall of 2021. The mission of Omega Recovery today continues to be to provide individuals and families struggling in today’s very challenging world with the best and most effective treatment model found anywhere.


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